Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Amazing , Local Engineering , Motorcylcle to motor tricycle

Kind of funny ,  ; isn't it?

Image may contain: people sitting and motorcycle

Amazing , Local Engineering , Motorcylcle to motor tricycle , local made.

pic caught by Sheikh Nayeem , Nepal

But What I don't see is , What sectors the revenue of Nepal is being generated?

First federal budget aims 8pc growth Focuses on energy, infrastructure and proposes a string of reforms in social and agriculture sectors 

pic credit- kathmandupost

I would like to suggest Nepal Govt. to generate self income by establishing its own factories in Nepal , generating employment 
opportunities in Nepal.
We ought to produce our own bike , cars and other machinery. These things are of high demands and use in Nepal at present.

Raising literacy rates without proper placement doesn't solve problems in country.

Instead of raising taxes ;    Raise peoples income, opportunities, jobs, living standards, Intellectual capability, Raise new Investments, Factories , establishments etc. When People will earn more , they will pay as per ability willingly.

                              I    " Hope of Progessive Nepal "
                                                             - Sheikh Nayeem                              

Swaraj’s ‘Indians in Janakpur’ comment unfortunate: MoFA

Post Report, Kathmandu

Pic of Sushma Swaraj
May 30, 2018-The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday said the statement made by India’s External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj about Jankapur during her annual press briefing on Monday in New Delhi, was “unfortunate”. 
After it drew widespread criticism, she immediately rolled back her statement and apologised on Monday night through the twitter.  
In a statement released on Tuesday, the ministry said, “The Government of Nepal’s attention was drawn to the statement made by India’s Minister of External Affairs (MEA) during her annual press conference. The reference made about the public participation at the Civic Felicitation programme held in honour of the Prime Minister of India in Janakpur on May 11, 2018 was unfortunate.”
“Narendra Modi is the first Prime Minister of the country who has from America’s Madison Square to Nepal’s Janakpur addressed lakhs of Indians and reached out to them...” Swaraj said during MEA’s annual press conference where she highlighted National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government’s achievement on its fourth anniversary. She also claimed Modi is the first Indian Prime Minister to address the Indian community at where they are living. She claimed, none of the Indian Prime Ministers in the past had addressed like Modi to the Indian community in this way.
During his recent state visit to Nepal, Modi visited Janapkpur, offered pooja at Ram-Janaki temple and delivered a speech to the people from the Madhesi community in Hindi and Maithlai language.
“It has come to the notice of the Government of Nepal that she has publicly admitted her mistake and apologised for the same. The Government of Nepal sincerely thanks all those who raised concerns over this issue,” the ministry statement said.  “This was a mistake on my part. I sincerely apologise for this,” she twitted. 
Social cohesion and harmony characterise the Nepali way of life that is reflective of national unity among people living in all regions, which should be respected by all, the foreign ministry statement said.
Published: 30-05-2018 08:08

Cell strategy: How fasting makes the human body better ( in English ) DECCAN CHRONICLE. | DR K KRISHNAIAH

A Japanese Nobel prize winner has finally proven how staying away from food can actually help you live healthy.
When the body is on a fast, it tells the brain there is not enough food. This  allows for autophagy — where cells attack old and junky proteins in the body.
 When the body is on a fast, it tells the brain there is not enough food. This allows for autophagy — where cells attack old and junky proteins in the body.
Fasting has two very good benefits for us. Japanese scientist Dr Yoshinori Oshsumi’s Nobel prize-winning work on autophagy has shown how damaged cells self-eat or self-destruct — keeping the body in good condition. The other benefit is that when the self-destruction occurs, there is the inducement of the growth hormone which allows for the generation of new cells.
Autophagy of the body means it cleanses itself of damaged, dead and unrepaired cells. It’s a natural  process where good cells create membranes that hunt out scraps of dead, diseased, infectious cells and gobble them up. The good cells strip these diseased cells into parts and use the resulting molecules for energy.
 Autophagy requires the right kind of conditions for it to occur. Nutrient deprivation is the key activator of autophagy. When the body is on a fast mode it signals the brain that there is not enough food available and the body then goes back to stored foods. This condition allows for autophagy — where the cells first attack the old and junky proteins in the body. This happens because the insulin levels in the body dip and the hormone opposite to insulin, glucagon, begins to work in the body. When glucagon is activated, it starts looking for those cells and junk in the body which require to be cleaned. But even the slightest amount of food is easy to shut-down glucagon. It requires completely abstinence from food for 12 to 36 hours which is usually seen in many fasting practitioners. But they must drink plenty of water.
Once autophagy is stimulated, the growth hormone stimulates  and it helps to create new energetic cells in the body. It is found to control inflammation and also helps in the process of building immunity. Exercise also  stimulates autophagy. Sweating, grunting, post-workout pains put stress on the body and it further allows for the eating away of damaged cells.
Working out actually damages muscles causing tiny microscopic tears that the body rushes to heal in turn making itself stronger and more resistant to any further damage. When the process of autophagy occurs in the body there is actually a feeling of reinvigoration as fresh energy flows in. This discovery is also going to help in the creation of new medicines.
But remember this: The body is constantly protecting itself from diseases, infections and harmful pollutants. And when the body is not able to take the excess load of disease it is then that immunity is compromised, allowing the disease to manifest. In some cases, there are patients who say they regularly fast, exercise and maintain a strict diet and yet they find themselves suffering from cancer or other lifestyle diseases. This only means that there is a genetic factor too at play, which will have to be evaluated.
At the same time, there are those who have a disease that has been in the works for years only to emerge when the perfect conditions are finally found. The evidence of autophagy is going to open a completely new perspective for researchers, where a whole gamut of cellular evidence can help understand the working and also the enabling of diseases better. It will also help create new-generation medicines which are required for the fight — which target only those cells which are diseased, damaged or infected.

Paris ‘Muslim Spider-Man’ Saves Young Boy. Cue Debate on Migrants. ( in English ) , France President to give him citizenshipf

Mamoudou Gassama, a migrant from Mali, scaled four balconies of a building in Paris before pulling a child to safety.
actu buzz, via YouTube

By Aurelien Breeden and Alan Cowell

PARIS — The 4-year-old boy seemed to be suspended from a balcony. An adult standing on a nearby balcony seemed powerless to help. Disaster seemed the only possible outcome.
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Then, to the nimble rescue on the streets of Paris on Saturday evening, came a young man whom some French people have started to call the Spider-Man of the 18th, referring to the arrondissement of Paris where the episode unfolded.
With a combination of grit, agility and muscle, the man hauled himself hand over hand from one balcony to another, springing from one parapet to grasp the next one up. A crowd that had gathered before he began his daring exploit urged him ever upward, according to onlookers’ video that was shared widely on social media.

Finally, after scaling four balconies, the man reached the child and pulled him to safety. And suddenly, an act of individual courage and resourcefulness began to play into Europe’s fraught and polarized debate about outsiders, immigrants and refugees.
The man, identified as Mamoudou Gassama, 22, is a migrant from Mali, a troubled former French colony in northwest Africa, who journeyed through Burkina Faso, Niger and Libya before making the dangerous Mediterranean Sea crossing to Italy and arriving in France in September, without documentation.
On Monday, after his heroic rescue of the boy, he met with President Emmanuel Macron. Now, he will get the requisite documentation to live legally in France.
“I told him that in recognition of his heroic act he would have his papers in order as quickly as possible,” Mr. Macron said in a statement on Facebook after meeting with Mr. Gassama at the Élysée Palace in Paris.
Mr. Gassama will be one of a lucky few in a country with increasingly tightimmigration rules and a generally skeptical attitude toward migrants who are seeking primarily economic benefits.
In 2017, only five people were granted residency papers for “exceptional talent” or “services rendered to the community,” according to statisticsfrom the French Interior Ministry. In 2016, there were six.

President Emmanuel Macron of France meeting with
 Mamoudou Gassama at the Élysée Palace in Paris on 
Monday. Mr. Gassama scaled four stories of a building
 in the French capital to save a young child hanging
 from a balcony.CreditPool photo by Thibault Camus

- The New York Times

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Amazing helmet has been made : if drunk won't let start the vehicle ! ( in Nepali ) बन्यो अनौठो हेल्मेटः मापसे गरेमा स्टार्ट हुनेछैन गाडी

१३ जेठ, काठमाडौं । राजस्थानको अजमेरकी महिला इन्जिनियरिङ कलेजका विद्यार्थीहरुले एउटा यस्तो हेलमेटको आविश्कार गरेका छन्, जुन नलगाएसम्म दुई पांग्रे गाडी स्टार्ट नै हुँदैन ।
त्यतिमात्रै होइन मदिरा सेवन गरेको व्यक्तिले यदि त्यो हेल्मेट लगायो भने पनि गाडी स्टार्ट हुँदैन । ती छात्राहरुले भनेका छन्- यदि यो हेलमेटको प्रयोग गर्न शुरु गरियो भने सडक दुर्घटनामा कमी आउने छ ।
अजमेर महिला इन्जिनियरिङ कलेजमा अध्ययनरत प्रियंका चौहान, पि्रया सुनारिया, नेहा शर्मा र प्रिया मित्तलले मोटरसाइकल र स्कुटर चालकलाई लक्षित गरी नयाँ हेलमेटको आविश्कार गरेका हुन् ।
यस हेलमेटमा एक विशेष प्रकारको सेन्सर लगाइएको छ जुन वाहनमा लगाइएको अर्को सेन्सरसँग कनेक्ट हुन्छ । हेलमेट लगाउनासाथ त्यो सेन्सर एक्टिभ हुन्छ । त्यसपछि मात्र आफ्नो वाहन स्टार्ट गर्न सकिन्छ ।
यो हेलमेटको अर्को एक विशेषता के छ भने मदिरा सेवन गरेकाहरुले लगाएमा पनि वाहन स्टार्ट हुँदैन । हेलमेटमा आरएम मोड्युलर सेन्सर जडान गरिएको छ जसबाट चालकले मदिरा सेवन गरे-नगरेको थाहा हुन्छ । यदि व्यक्तिले मदिरा सेवन गरेको छ भने हेलमेटमा जडान गरिएको मोड्युलरले पत्ता लगाउँछ र वाहन स्टार्ट हुँदैन ।
ती छात्राहरुले आफ्नो यो आविश्कारको डेमो अजमेर यातायात प्रहरी उपप्रमुख पि्रती चौधरीको अगाडि प्रदर्शन गरेका थिए । यो अवलोकन गरेपछि चौधरीले ति छात्राहरुलाई प्रशंसा पत्र दिएर सम्मान गरेकी थिइन् ।
उनले सरकारका उच्च अधिकारीहरुसँग यसको उपयोगबारे कुराकानी गर्ने आश्वासन समेत दिएको भारतीय सन्चार माध्यमहरुले उल्लेख गरेका छन् । उनले भनेकी छन्- कुनै ठूलो कम्पनीमार्फत् यस प्रकारको हेलमेट उत्पादन गर्नका लागि म उच्च अधिकारीहरुसँग कुराकानी गर्ने छु । ताकि यो बजारमा पुगोस् र सडक दुर्घटनामा पनि कमी आओस् ।
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Dolphin 'happiness' measured by scientists in France ( in English )

Scientists working with dolphins at a marine park near Paris have attempted to measure how the animals feel about aspects of their lives in captivity.
In what researchers say is the first project to examine captivity "from the animals' perspective", the team assessed what activities dolphins looked forward to most.
They found that the marine mammals most keenly anticipated interacting with a familiar human.
The results, they say, show that "better human-animal bonds equals better welfare".
The study, published in the journal Applied Animal Behaviour Science, was part of a three-year project to measure dolphin welfare in a captive setting.
Lead researcher Dr Isabella Clegg worked at Parc Astérix, a theme park with one of France's largest dolphinariums.
With colleagues at the University of Paris animal behaviour lab, she designed experiments to decode dolphin behaviour - essentially looking for physical postures that indicate how the animals were feeling.
"We wanted to find out what activities in captivity they like most," Dr Clegg told the BBC.

Dolphins in captivity were said to enjoy contact with their trainersImage copyrightEPA
Image captionDolphins in captivity were said to enjoy contact with their trainers

To work this out, she tested three activities: a trainer coming and playing with dolphins; adding toys to the pool; and a control, which meant leaving the dolphins to their own devices.
"We found a really interesting result - all dolphins look forward most to interacting with a familiar human," Dr Clegg said.
The animals showed this anticipation by "spy hopping", the action of peering above the surface and looking in the direction that trainers usually approached from.
The dolphins would also increase their level of activity in the pool and spend more time at the edge.
"We've seen this same thing in other zoo animals and in farm animals," said Dr Clegg, adding: "Better human-animal bonds equals better welfare."

A 'happy' social life

The question of whether it is right or wrong to hold these animals in captivity has long been a point of contention, particularly in France.
The French government recently overturned a proposed ban on the captive breeding of dolphins in marine parks such as Parc Astérix.
The lifting of that ban was a huge relief for Birgitta Mercera, who runs the dolphinarium. She told the BBC that allowing the dolphins to breed, to raise their own offspring, was a critical part of what she suggested was a happy - though very different - life from that in the wild.
"I think that wild dolphins are happier in the wild, and captive-born dolphins are much happier in captivity.
"They're born here - it is their life. And it's our priority to look after them."

Enthusiastic display

Talking to Ms Mercera and the trainers at Parc Astérix - who clearly adore the dolphins - and observing the aquatic mammals, it is easy to conclude that they have happy lives.
Their leaping from the water during training sessions, and their curious approaches to the edge of the pool appear to be enthusiastic.
But Dr Susanne Schultz from the University of Manchester, who has studied the social behaviour of wild marine mammals, points out that the study cannot tell us "if a dolphin in captivity is happier than it would be if it was in the wild".
"I do think it's a valuable finding that dolphins in captivity potentially seek out contact with humans," Dr Schultz added.
"And I think that finding can be applied to how we manage other charismatic, intelligent species.
"But just because a dolphin interacts with you doesn't mean that it would choose that lifestyle if it was given a choice.
According to the UK charity Whale and Dolphin Conservation, there are at least 3,000 cetaceans - the group of "toothed whales" that dolphins belong to - in captivity in 50 countries around the world.
Dr Clegg estimates that there could be as many as 5,000, as some animals are not officially registered.
In addition, in the more than 150 years since the first whales and dolphins were brought from the wild and into aquariums, scientists have learned a huge amount about their intelligence and complex social lives.
Dr Clegg says that, rather than answering the question of whether it is right or wrong to have these animals in captivity, she hopes the findings will help improve the lives of those thousands of animals that will spend their lives in dolphinariums.
"I think the question of whether they should be in captivity is really important and we should be asking it at the moment," she says.
"And it has two elements: are the animals in good welfare? And what is their purpose? And we have to look deeper into the animals' behaviour to understand how they're feeling.

"But even if they are in good welfare, we need more research to ensure that their presence is really engaging people with conservation. If they're just here for our entertainment, that can't be justified."

EU proposes ban on straws and other single-use plastics ( in English )

The European Union is proposing a ban on single-use plastics to help protect marine life.
Person collecting plastic on a beachThe proposals are aimed at outlawing many commonplace plastic items including straws, cotton buds, cutlery, balloon sticks and drink stirrers.
The governing body also wants almost all plastic bottles to be collected for recycling by 2025.
The plan will need to be approved by the 28 member states and the European Parliament before it can be passed.
The EU estimates that the ban will help:
  • avoid 3.4 million tonnes of carbon emissions
  • prevent damage to the environment that would cost the equivalent of €22bn (£19.2bn) by 2030
  • save consumers €6.5bn.
  • "Plastic waste is undeniably a big issue and Europeans need to act together to tackle this problem," EU First Vice-President Frans Timmermans said.
    "Today's proposals will reduce single-use plastics on our supermarket shelves through a range of measures.
    "We will ban some of these items and substitute them with cleaner alternatives, so people can still use their favourite products."

    Tougher measures

    The EU's proposals are targeting disposable food containers and dining ware, from plastic plates and cups, to packaging for food products such as fast-food.
    If the ban is approved, member states will need to make an active effort to reduce the number of single-use plastic food containers and cups available for sale in supermarkets.
    Cotton bud graphic
    Each country will also have to embark on an education campaign in which food producers are required to label products clearly and inform consumers how plastic waste is disposed.
    Incentives will be given to producers to encourage them to make disposable plastic products out of sustainable materials instead.
    Companies that produce plastic products might also be required to contribute to waste disposal costs - for example, getting the makers of plastic fishing gear to pay for the cost of collecting waste from a port
  • - bbc

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Trump - Kim Coin ;Demand of this coin is rising ( in hindi )ट्रंप-किम की रद्द मुलाक़ात पर बढ़ी इस सिक्के की मांग

ट्रंप किमडोनल्ड ट्रंप और किम जोंग उन की मुलाक़ात रद्द हो चुकी है, पर क्या इस घटना को यादगार बनाने के लिए स्मारक सिक्के जारी किए जाने वाले थे?
This page link is
लोगों में उलझन इस बात को लेकर है कि दो तरह के सिक्कों की चर्चा है. लोगों के आकर्षण का केंद्र वो सिक्का है जिसे व्हाइट हाउस कम्यूनिकेशन एजेंसी ने जारी किया है. इसमें ट्रंप और "सुप्रीम लीडर" किम जोंग-उन की बातचीत को दर्शाया गया है.
इस तरह का सिक्का आमतौर पर विदेशी मेहमानों और राजनयिकों को भेंट किया जाता है.

ट्रंप किमइमेज कॉपीरइटGETTY IMAGES

याद के तौर पर सिक्का रखना चाहते हैं लोग

ट्रंप, किम जोंग-उन और दक्षिण कोरियाई राष्ट्रपति मून जे-इन की आकृति उकेरी हुई एक दूसरा सिक्का भी व्हाइट हाउस गिफ्ट शॉप वेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध है. इसकी लोकप्रियता बहुत बढ़ती दिख रही है, मांग इतनी है कि कई खरीदारों के एक साथ लॉग-इन करने से गिफ्ट शॉप की वेबसाइट क्रैश हो गई है.
शुरू में सिक्कों की कीमत 1692 रुपये रखी गई थी लेकिन बाद में इस पर डिस्काउंट देकर इसे 1,352 रुपये कर दिया गया. गुरुवार से गिफ्ट शॉप की वेबसाइट पर शिखर सम्मेलन नहीं होने पर पैसे वापसी की पेशकश भी की गई है.
लेकिन अब वेबसाइट लिख रहा है कि "अधिकतर समर्थक यह बातचीत नहीं होने के बावजूद इस सिक्के को अपने पास रखना चाहते हैं."
बीबीसी नॉर्थ अमरीका संवाददाता एंथनी ज़र्चर कहते हैं कि गिफ्ट शॉप के सिक्के करीब 1.22 लाख रुपए में बिक सकते हैं. उन्होंने कहा कि ऐसे ही सिक्के 1800 के दशक में बनाए गए थे, जिनकी आज बहुत कीमत है.
ट्रंप या उनकी टीम ने गिफ्ट शॉप से इन सिक्कों को बनाने का अनुरोध नहीं किया था, फिर भी लोगों को इसकी वजह से ट्रंप की ऑनलाइन निंदा करने का मौका मिल गया /

source: bbc

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