Monday, 18 June 2018

Record-breaking crowds at Europe's largest Eid celebration : -BBC news

CrowdsAs millions of Muslims around the world celebrate Eid, Birmingham is hosting Europe's largest event with more than 140,000 people gathering in Small Heath Park.
Now in its seventh year, Celebrate Eid marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.
The huge celebration in Birmingham is organised by Green Lane Masjid and Community Centre (GLMCC) in the city and includes global delicacies, a bazaar and a funfair.
Eid, which means "festival of breaking the fast", is a religious holiday and a day of celebrations when Muslims will give thanks to Allah and exchange small gifts and cards.
The eventImage copyrightGLMCC
Image captionEid al-Fitr is one of the most important Muslim festivals in the Islamic calendar
The event
Image captionThe celebration marks the end of Ramadan, which is the holy month of fasting
CrowdsImage copyrightPA
Image captionThe event has seen record-breaking crowds attending this year, up on the 106,000 last year, the GLMCC said
Swedish National Nordin Tejeur,
Image captionSwedish National Nordin Tejeur, 44, who lives in Birmingham, said: “The festival is getting bigger every year”
A family
Image captionWorshippers of all ages came together for morning prayers, before enjoying the festivities
Food stalls
Image captionThe event has fairground rides, miniature golf and laser clay pigeon shooting, as well as food and drink from local food stalls
A family
Image captionThis family from Yardley, Birmingham, enjoyed palm-themed flavoured ices at the festival
The eventImage copyrightGLMCC
Image captionA spokesman for GLMCC said: "We've been working for months with five local mosques and our charity partner Human Appeal to organise the community for a memorable day of prayer, games and fun"
The eventImage copyrightPA
Image caption"This celebration is one of the most important in the Islamic religious calendar and it's an opportunity for us all to come together in peace and unity," the spokesman added
The eventImage copyrightGLMCC
Image captionThe event has grown in popularity since it started in 2011, when 12,000 people attended
Middlesbrough's Albert Park
Image captionMeanwhile, hundreds of people have gathered for the first time in Middlesbrough's Albert Park to begin Eid celebrations...
Image well as in Bristol
A spokesman for the Birmingham event said: "We're all overwhelmed that so many people from different faiths and from across the world have travelled to Birmingham for this year's Celebrate Eid."

Nepali Muslims Eid al-Fitr ( Some Photos) 2018

Photos: Elite Joshi

Friday, 15 June 2018

Kind of Busy for EID Celebration

Internet pic

Hi, its being notified that we will be kind of busy for EID Celebration, So we might not be able to post. We will surely post EID celebrations pics as soon as possible.

EID Mubaraka !

- Sheikh Nayeem
Founder of AmazyWorld

Thursday, 14 June 2018


I " Hope of Progressive Nepal " & Eid Mubarak to all .
I see Justin Trudeau , The P.M. of Canada ; as the new face of Development and Prosperity.
( Canada is the 7th happiest country in the world, according to World Happiness Index . 2015-17 World Happiness report)

These days I see leaders are doing politics of religion, caste , areas and such things which brings division and losses for country and people. Why Frustration is everywhere ?
World leaders ought to do politics of Prosperity, development , progressiveness, raising happiness index of the country.
So does apply to Nepalese Politics.
Very regretful to say that happiness index of Nepal is very low.

Wednesday, 13 June 2018

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full story » Govt vows to issue over 300,000 driving licences by mid-August

Jun 13, 2018-The Department of Transport Management (DoTM) has said it will complete distribution more than 300,000 smart driving licences by mid-August.
Around 400,000 licence cards and additional printing equipment have been procured
to ensure the process is completed within two months, according to the department.
Apart from 200,000 driving licences to be issued to new-riders, the department has
 received an additional 100,000 applications for licence renewal. Since such licences
are hand-written, the department will have to issue fresh cards, taking the total number
of driving licence cards to be issued to 300,000.

DoTM Spokesperson Tulsi Ram Aryal informed that the department has procured four new printing machines, taking the total number of machines to nine.

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“These machines will be operated in double shift to meet the target within the stipulated time,” Aryal told the Post, adding that the department can now issue 5,000 smart driving licences each day. “As demand for licence cards stands at around 4,000 daily, we are sure of normalising licence distribution within two months.”
After clearing the backlog, the department will start issuing smart driving licence to the applicants within a couple of days, Aryal assured.The DoTM introduced the smart driving licence in December 2015. The new driving licence resembles bank ATM card with electronic chips which can store information like the driver’s identity and vehicle registration number, among other data. Transports offices across the country can access to the data recorded on the smart driving licence. The traffic police and insurance agencies, among other authorities concerned, can also access to information about the licence holders.
The government had planned to complete the entire replacement process within three to five years. The replacement process was delayed due to slow progress, the DoTM official accepted.
The department expects to receive an additional 350,000 licence cards within a couple of weeks to cater to the demands. The government prints smart driving licence cards in Kathmandu and distributes them across the country through its zonal and district offices.

Meanwhile, the department has said that there were no reports of disturbance in the written and practical examinations for driving licence across the nation. “We had issued circulars to the transport offices, asking them to make financial adjustment before the new fiscal year. Services in some of the offices might have been affected for a few days. The report about complete closure of licence service is false,” Aryal said.

- thekathmandupost

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Trump, Kim hold historic talks in Singapore

U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at the Capella
 Hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore June 12, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Jun 12, 2018-US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met at a luxury hotel in Singapore becoming the first sitting leaders of US and North Korea to meet.
It was an unprecedented development between the two nations who, less than a year ago, exchanged insults and threats of war.

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The two leaders walked to each other and shook hands in front of flags of both countries. They will now look for ways to defusing tensions and nuclear disarmament on the Korean peninsula, international medias reported.

BBC reported US President Trump predicted a terrific relationship with Kim during a brief initial comments in front of the press. “I feel really great. We are going to have a great discussion and will be tremendously successful,” BBC quoted Trump as saying.
Reuters reported the Korean leader also sounded positive about the prospects. “We overcame all kinds of skepticism and speculations about this summit and I believe that this is good for the peace,” Kim said.

A one-to-one meeting, with translators, followed the handshake.
Trump spoke to both South Korea’s Moon and Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Monday to discuss developments ahead of the summit.



Monday, 11 June 2018

NKorean leader Kim arrives in Singapore for historic summit with Trump

Kim Jong-un arrived ahead of US President Donald Trump

Jun 10, 2018-North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Singapore on Sunday for an unprecedented summit with US President Donald Trump, reported AFP. The US president will arrive later today.

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The Trump-Kim summit is being viewed as an attempt to address the last festering legacy of the Cold War and it is the first time a North Korean leader has met a sitting US president.
The historic meeting between the two leaders will take place at the island resort of Sentosa on Tuesday.
According to BBC, before setting off, US President Trump described the summit as a "one-time shot" at peace and said the two were in "unknown territory in the truest sense".
Washington hopes the summit will kick-start a process that eventually sees Kim give up his nuclear weapons, read the BBC report, adding that the US wants North Korea to get rid of its nuclear weapons in an irreversible manner that can be verified internationally.
However, the US is not expecting to get a final deal in Singapore. President Trump has described it as a "get-to-know-you situation" and said: "It's going to be a process."
The BBC report, quoting US Defence Secretary Jim Mattis, stated that North Korea will "receive relief" from the grip of UN sanctions only when steps to denuclearization are taken.
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Meanwhile, North Korean leader Kim has also said he now wants to focus on building the North Korean economy - and thus wants sanctions relief and international investment, read the report.
According to the reports, Singapore is only the third country North Korean leader Kim has visited since he became the nation's leader in 2011.
Earlier, in March, the North Korean leader had made his first trip abroad to China and in April he became the first North Korean leader to step foot in South Korea where he met South Korean President Moon Jae-in at Panmunjom on their mutual border.
As per the report, the US president has said that if he thinks things are going badly, he will walk out of the meeting, but if things go well, the North Korean leader could receive an invitation to the White House.

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- thekathmandupost

Sunday, 10 June 2018

Iftar party on 26th jestha in Sarochiya jame masjid, Brt, Nepal ; pic by Md. Rauf, brt

pic caught by Md. Rauf, Brt, Nepal

Alhamdulillah , I ( Sheikh Nayeem ) was also present in this party.

51 types of mango is been grown in single tree by this man , ( in Nepali ) यी व्यक्तिले एउटै रुखमा फलाए ५१ जातका आँप

भारतमा एकजना इन्जिनियर आफ्नो गाउँको अवस्था सुधार्ने भन्दै खेती किसानीमा लागेका छन् । खेती गर्न थालेका इन्जिनियरले साँच्चीकै चमत्कारै गर्न थालेका छन् र उनले यस्तो तरिका अपनाएका छन् कि एउटै बोटमा ५१ जातका आँप फलेका छन् ।
भारतको महाराष्ट्रका रवि मारशेटवारको यो उपलब्धि अहिले भारतभर नै चर्चाको विषय बनिरहेको छ ।
एउटै बोटमा ५१ जातका आँप फलाउन उनी सफल भए । ग्राफटिङ अर्थात् कलमी प्रविधिको प्रयोग गरी उनले यस्तो सम्भव पारेका हुन् । यसका लागि उनले १३ सय पटक अनुसन्धान गरेका थिए । उनी खेतिपातीको विधि सिक्न ५ सय भन्दा धेरै ठाउँको भ्रमण गरे, जहाँ उनको परिचय एकजना विशेष मान्छेसँग भयो ।
महाराष्ट्रका किसान देवरीकरसँग उनको भेट भयो । देवरीकरले कलमी प्रविधिको प्रयोग गरी एउटै बोटमा १५ जातका आँप फलाएका थिए । उनैबाट रविले यो प्रविधि सिके । त्यसपछि उनले आँपका विभिन्न जातहरु जम्मा गरे । केही वर्षको मेहेनतपछि उनले एउटै रुखमा ५१ जातका आँप फलाउन सफल भए ।
उनी अहिले कलमी विधि सम्बन्धमा किसानलाई प्रशिक्षण पनि प्रदान गर्दछन् ।

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Friday, 8 June 2018

A bowl was sold for 4 arab rupees ( in Nepali ) ४ अर्ब रुपैयाँमा बिक्यो एउटा कचौरा

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चिनिया माटोबाट बनेको कचौरा झण्डै ४ अर्ब रुपैयाँमा बिकेको छ ।
झण्डै एक हजार वर्ष पूरानो उक्त कचौरा ३ करोड ७७ लाख डलर बराबरको रकममा लिलाम भएको हो । योसँगै यस कचौराले सबैभन्दा महंगो सेरामिक भाँडोको विश्वकिर्तिमान पनि राखेको छ ।

स्मरण रहोस् यति महंगोमा बिकेको यो कचौरा १ हजार वर्षअघि ब्रस सफा गर्न बनाइएको थियो । शोंग वंशका राजाहरुले दरबारमा यो कचौरा प्रयोग गर्दथे ।
चीनको चर्चित सोदबी अक्सन हाउसले उक्त कचौरा लिलाम बिक्रि गरेको हो । लिलाम बढाबढका क्रममा यसको सुरुवाती बोली नै १ करोड २ लाख डलर लागेको थियो । अन्ततः यसको अधिकतम बोली ३ करोड ७७ लाख डलर लाग्यो र सोही बोली लगाउने मानिसले यो खरीद गरे । यो कचौरा यति महंगोमा खरीद गर्ने व्यक्तिले आफ्नो पहिचान खुलाउन भने चाहेनन् । ती व्यक्ति चीनका नागरिक हुन् वा होइनन् भन्ने पनि खुलाइएको छैन ।
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यस्तो खालका केवल ४ वटा कचौरा मात्र अहिले विश्वमा अस्तित्वमा रहेको बताइएको छ । निलो-हरियो रंगको यस कचौराको आकार १२ सेमी छ ।
बहुमुल्य वस्तुहरुका लागि चीन निकै चर्चित छ । यहीँ वर्ष चीनमा सबैभन्दा महंगो मूल्यमा एउटा हिरा बिकेको थियो भने सन् २०१४ मा मिंग वंशका पालाको एउटा रक्सीको प्याला ३ करोड ६० लाख डलरमा बिक्रि भएको थियो ।


Amazing cafe, pay plastic waste instead of money ( in Nepali ) , गज्जबको क्याफे जहाँ पैसा होइन, प्लास्टिकका फोहोर दिए पुग्छ


क्याफेमा आफ्नो मनपर्ने खानेकुराको मज्जा लिन मोटै रकम तिर्नुपर्दछ । तर यो दुनियाँमा एउटा यस्तो क्याफेमा छ जहाँ तपार्इं आफ्नो घरमा भएका प्लास्टिकका फोहोरको सहाराले पेटभर खान पाउनुहुन्छ ।
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बेलायतको लण्डनमा रहेको द रबिस क्याफेमा तपार्इं लाई फोहोरको बदलामा खानेकुरा प्राप्त हुन्छ । उक्त क्याफेमा मनपर्ने स्न्याक्स वा खानाको मज्जा लिनका लागि घरमा रहेका प्लास्टिकका फोहोर लैजानु आवश्यक हुन्छ । तर एउटा शर्त के छ भने तपार्इंले लग्ने फोहोर रिसाइकल गर्न सकिने खालको हुनुपर्दछ ।
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यो क्याफे महिनामा जम्मा दुई दिन मात्र खुल्दछ । ग्राहकले पैसा होइन, प्लास्टिकको फोहोरले खाएको बिल भुक्तान गर्दछन् । जो पहिले आउँछ उसैले पाउँछ भन्ने नीति अनुसार ग्राहकलाई खानेकुरा पस्किइन्छ ।
इ–कभर नामको संस्थाले वातावरण विनासको मुख्य कारकतत्वको रुपमा रहेको बढ्दो प्लास्टिक फोहोर कम गर्नका लागि यो नौलो सोचसहितको क्याफे खोलेको हो ।
- onlinekhabar

Maersk Line opens new office in Kathmandu - Post Report, Kathmandu

Jun 8, 2018-Maersk Line, the global container division of Maersk Group that has been providing Nepali traders with shipping services, has opened its new commercial office in Kathmandu. The new office commenced operations from June 1, the company said.

With Maersk Line opening its new outlet, local traders can now book their shipment locally. Similarly, traders can receive immediate information about the position of their imported and exported goods en route the destination.

Besides, traders are now able to fix the shipping rates and other logistics offered by Maersk Line through negotiation with the shipping company directly.  As of now, traders have to depend on the Kolkata based office of the shipping company to get related information.                                                                 
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RB Rauniyar, managing director of Himalayan Terminal, a Nepal-India joint venture terminal management company, said Maersk Line recently opened its liaison office and is in process of obtaining licence to operate its commercial unit in Nepal.
“The new move by Maersk Line provides direct access to traders to negotiate on services provided by the shipping company,” said Rauniyar adding that traders as of now have to rely on email and related channels to be in touch with the shipping company. For over last two decades, Maersk Line has been providing shipping and logistical solutions to Nepali traders via its network in India.
In the beginning, the company was offering its service only through Kolkata port in India. Since June 2017, the company has added its container shipment services from Visakhapatnam to Inland Container Depot in Birgunj via the ‘Kathmandu Express.’
According to Maersk Line, it has been offering 14 dedicated trains from Visakhapatnam to Birgunj on a monthly basis.
The online payment, handling of documents, electronic Delivery Order issuance and timely cargo clearance in Nepal are among the services that the company has been providing to Nepali traders.
Maersk Line operates 325 offices across 125 countries and a fleet of more than 500 vessels along with 1.9 million containers. Maersk Line in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka has footprints across 27 offices and close to 400 employees covering all major locations and cargo hubs, says the company.


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